Sunday, September 5, 2010

Contemplating my path

God says to Jeremiah, “Before you were even born, I designed you. I shaped you.” This isn’t something you have to look for outside yourself. The path isn’t someplace else that you have to get to. This is what you were designed for. It’s where your beauty is, it’s where your happiness is. Happiness is not piling up the trophies of this culture. Happiness is not being so strong militarily that we cower every other country in the world. That’s not happiness and it’s not peace. But you are called to happiness, and you are called to peace. And if you say like Jeremiah did, “I can’t do that, I’m just an ordinary person”, then hear what God said to Jeremiah, and Isaiah, and to Moses—“Before you were born, I shaped you for this. I have anointed you to take this message out to the whole world.” Not just to Israel, not just to America. You are a citizen of the whole world. And I call you to live in that universality. And finally, “I’ve touched your lips, so that you can sing the song of your heart.” Know that the whole world is waiting for you to sing.


Finding Your Path

A St. Andrew’s Sermon
Delivered by Dr. Jim Rigby
October 11, 2009

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 6:19-20 and Jeremiah 1:4-10 (The Inclusive Bible)

This passage speaks to me. The sermon opens with more encouragement to find a meaningful life that may look different from what culture models. I am looking for that relief. I am so proud of the people that my husband and I are and still I pursue the goals that are expected of me from those around me. If I can balance the two better, I'd like to. I'd like to be aware of what society expects without holding myself and my husband to it's demands on us in an outward showing. Things can always be better. It can always be better. But we are truly truly blessed. And if I don't enjoy that now and completely, it will slip by so quickly.

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